Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Time goes on

So it has been almost a year since I moved to town and I think I might finally be OK with it. The traffic and noise of having neighbors doesn't seem as loud and I gotta say having a place to myself most of the time is pretty fucking great. Now when the roomie is home it is a not so nice change of pace. He is a pretty good roommate but after having the house to myself for months on end and then suddenly having another person there is just down right rude. But we seem to get along fine and he really likes my new dog so things could be a lot worse. I am now just trying to get the yard ready for winter and to make myself stick to something of a schedule so I can get more shit done. Wish me luck.

Monday, March 13, 2006


New home

So I moved back into town and after over a month I think I am finally ready to call my place home. I can now find my things within two tries and for the most part can actually visualize my desk draw contents. My dog seems to have settled in and we are starting to find a new schedule. Not having to drive 45 minutes to work is a great plus but having neighbors and cars driving by is not. Now maybe that I have internet access at home and more time I will write more but only time will tell.

Sunday, December 11, 2005



OK, for those of you who read this and want the grilling recipe here it is:

1/2 a bottle of A-1 steak sauce
1/2 a bottle of Kraft mesquite BBQ sauce
1/2 a bottle of water
three or four minced garlic cloves
as much hot sauce as you want

mix it all up in a big ass container and add the chicken. Let is soak for at least 24 hours in the fridge. If you don't have that kind of time cut back on the water. This will make about 5 pounds of chicken.

See you thought it would be hard.

Thursday, December 01, 2005



One of my ex-girlfriends father passed away on Friday. I haven't managed to speak with her and see how she is holding up but I do know that this is going to be a really rough holiday season for her and her family. Both my mom and dad and my favorite Omi died during the holidays and it was years before I felt like I could enjoy my time with friends and family without the grief of missing them. I still get a little depressed near Christmas as my mom always had such a good time and I do miss being able to see her smile and laugh, but as the saying goes, life does go on and time does help if not heal most wounds. Hell, I'm even thinking of putting up a tree this year, maybe Santa will visit and bring me lots of new toys.

Thursday, November 10, 2005



I have come to the conclusion that I am either way to butch or most folk are way to blind. I have been called young man twice in the last two days, I will readily admit that I am quite butch but I also have some huge tits. Pretty hard to miss if your head isn't in your ass. Most of the time I get a real kick out of getting taken for a guy and these two incidents aren't different in that regard, but I haven't been called a young man ever before I am not that young, so I guess I can either be a young man or an old bitch. Think I'll go for the young man gives me more time to play with the girls.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005



When will it every snow? I am so ready to go and play and try my hand at snowshoeing and my buddy P is going to let me take his dog Guinness with me this year so I will have furry companionship for my falling on my ass, I just need to teach him how to take pictures so I can show all my friends. I am thinking of getting a new dog to be a companion to my girl but first I need to move closer to town and get out of the barn I am living in. So first the winter with lots of snow (PLEASE) and then moving. Could be a fun all around.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Party time

So a buddy is having a BBQ on Monday, yes we know it is almost winter, and I am pretty sure that L is going to go with me and I think that W and S are going to come also. Could be fun for all. I am making my famous chicken and maybe some potatoes although the guys all want deviled eggs. We'll just have to see how motivated I am on Monday. Now if it would just snow like hell so I could go and play in it life would be grand.

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