Friday, October 28, 2005



So I recently was dumped by this girl who I thought might be the one. But thankfully things didn't go that far. At first I was hurt and then just pissed off and now I feel the need for revenge. But shouldn't I just wait for Karma to get her back, how much damage will I do to my own life if I try and get back at her. Now I am really good at this and have perfected it over many relationships and years, but I am not the person I used to be and now try to live my life as I believe is healthier for me. Maybe I can just settle for being there when life bites her back, but for that to happen I would have to be a part of her life to know. I think for now I will let time march on and see how I feel with more perspective.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Butch vs Femme

So I am often asked if I like butch girls or femme girls. Well I must say that I like them both, if fact I like almost all women. I have dated both and had serious relationships with both. My most successful relationships have been with a die hard butch and a kind of middle of the road gal. Femme girls with long hair really turn me on, especially shiny blue black hair. Skirts are a big turn on, especially with no panties on underneath. But I have a big boner for trucks and tool belts and women who don't need me to help them fix the dryer or catch a bat in the kitchen. So I have to say I like them all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Here we go

So here is my second attempt to have my own blog. My last one was filled with whining and pining for a girl and instead of editing all of my post I decided to start over. Hopefully I will be able to get my head out of my ass and spend more time looking at myself and my world and less time worrying about the small shit. Wish me luck.

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